California GOP Loses Again

Unpopular: Issa, left, and Lungren
Unpopular: Issa, left, and Lungren
That California Republican Party is so pathetic that it is tempting to bleeding-heart types to feel sad for them. GOP registration is on a years-long downhill slide (it could dip below 30 percent soon), and the state party is so underfunded that it could not afford to buy advertising in the 2008 campaign. In the 2010 midterms, a Republican wave election across the country, every statewide GOP candidate — for U.S. senator, governor, lieutenant governor, treasurer, etc. — but one lost to Democrats by 10 points or more. (The Democratic attorney general candidate won, but by a slim margin.)

The best known California Republicans are also the state’s least-popular politicians, including former Govs. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pete Wilson and current House members, Rep. Darrell Issa, the wealthiest House member, an accused car thief and arsonist who chairs the House committee that investigates the Obama administration, and Rep. “Styrofoam Dan” Lungren, the former state attorney general and current chairman of the House Administration Committee, who made news recently for rescinding Democrats’ efforts to “green” the Capitol Building.
