Media Ignores Jeb’s Meeting with Top Polish Official Who Was Fired Because He Criticized America

Jeb Bush, left, with Radoslaw Sikorksi, one day after Sikorski resigned as speaker of the parliament because he'd criticized the United States
Jeb Bush, left, meeting with Radoslaw Sikorksi, one day after Sikorski was fired as speaker of Poland’s parliament because he’d criticized the United States

Imagine for a moment the fusillades of criticism that would be barraging Hillary Clinton right now if she’d gone overseas and met this week with a top foreign official one day after he’d been fired because he’d been caught on tape referring to his country’s longstanding alliance with the United States as “worthless” and “bullshit,” and describing the asymmetrical relationship between the two countries as being analogous to his country giving America a “blowjob.”

Now imagine what the Beltway media elite and their right-wing imitators at Fox and elsewhere would say if, instead of Clinton, the presidential candidate who’d met with this scandal-plagued, America-hating foreign leader was Jeb Bush.

Of course, you don’t have to imagine it, because Jeb really did meet with Radoslaw Sikorski one day after Sikorski was fired as the speaker of Poland’s Parliament after secretly recorded tapes surfaced in which he was heard trashing the Polish-American alliance over dinner at a fancy restaurant back in 2013.

“You know that Polish-American alliance is worthless,” Sikorski said on tape. “”You know that the Polish-US alliance isn’t worth anything. It is downright harmful, because it creates a false sense of security … Complete bullshit. We’ll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians and we’ll think that everything is super, because we gave the Americans a blow job. Losers. Complete losers.”

One of Sikorski’s dinner companions, Poland’s foreign minister at the time, is heard agreeing with him. He called Americans, “Nerds. Total computer nerds.”

Before he was forced to resign, Sikorski had been considered a leading candidate to serve as the European Union’s next foreign minister.

News watchers this week will have noticed that there has been no criticism of Bush in elite and right-wing media circles. In fact, Republican propaganda outlets like Fox and the Washington Times did not mention Sikorski’s hateful comments about the United States at all.

CNN’s critique couldn’t have been milder. The meeting with the U.S.-critic was “somewhat awkward for Bush,” a CNN report said.

Only MSBNC gave the meeting full coverage. Rachel Maddow ran a report with commentary at the top of her show last night. Here’s the clip:


One thought on “Media Ignores Jeb’s Meeting with Top Polish Official Who Was Fired Because He Criticized America”

  1. Thank God for Rachel, she was the only one reporting it. It is a very important story because we the American people need to know about idiots like this before we vote. I would never vote for some one that met with a leader that had been out-stead by his own gov’t for saying things like this about the US. These politicians better watch out we live in a world of technology that will hunt them down for their arrogance. No where to run, no where to hide you low life blood sucking politicians. What we need to do next is take back the house and fire, and lower their salaries, that goes for all blood sucking politicians.

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