New Ad Drives Home Rick Scott’s Dirty Deals

It’s hard to watch this video from the Alex Sink campaign and not care if she or Rick Scott is elected governor of Florida. One of the many things that bother me about Scott is how much he doesn’t get the concept of answering to the people — and if he is elected, he will be working for us, not a private corporate board. When Jeb Bush was governor, we were used to arrogance in Tallahassee but it was a different type. Rick Scott truly thinks he can tell us only what he wants to, and the rest is none of our business. It ain’t that way.


3 thoughts on “New Ad Drives Home Rick Scott’s Dirty Deals”

  1. I love this video because it contains the kind of information that voters need to know before they vote for Scott. He looks corrupt and sleazy when he says he won’t release the transcripts that may reveal who he really is behind his public persona.

    Too many of these radical republicans are running for important positions this year and are trying to avoid being vetted by the public, so videos of this type are essential in informing the public as to who these people really are, and the effect their policies would have on the average citizen.

    Although I don’t live in FL, I’m kicking a little money into Sink’s campaign coffers to help keep this video on the air.

  2. He does look sleazy but I was shocked to see how different he looks with hair. Without hair, he looks like John Malkovich in Of Mice and Men, only with a malevolent gleam in his eyes.

    It’s wonderful that you’re going to support Sink. That’s the kind of thing all Democrats need to be doing in these tea bagger races. That, and getting out the vote. Thanks!

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