
Personally, if I had $100 million to build a mosque that promotes interfaith tolerance, I would not build it in Manhattan. I’d build it in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. That is where 9/11 came from, and those are the countries that espouse the most puritanical version of Sunni Islam — a version that shows little tolerance not only for other religions but for other strands of Islam…That resistance to diversity, though, is not something we want to emulate, which is why I’m glad the mosque was approved on Tuesday. Countries that choke themselves off from exposure to different cultures, faiths and ideas will never invent the next Google or a cancer cure…

— Thomas Friedman, author and New York Times columnist


The new politics — it’s no longer good enough to beat you on policy. They have to completely drown you and put you in prison and destroy your family and your reputation and finances, then dance on your grave.

— Former Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX), quoted by the New York Times, on the Justice Department dropping a corruption investigation into his dealings with a former lobbyist.

Republicans Are Poised to Trash Conservative Principles, As Usual, to Stop the NY Muslim Center

Remember how the Republican Party abandoned its principles during the Bush years — the hundreds of billions they borrowed from communist China to pay for government programs and war supplementals, because, as Dick Cheney said, “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter”; remember their disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq, followed by their 180-degree flip-flop in 2003 on their firm opposition to nation building in 2000; their corrupt and incompetent fiscal mismanagement; their passing a law in March 2005 to force the federal government to intervene in the Terri Schiavo end-of-life case, a bill Bush rushed back to Washington from his Easter vacation to sign; the legal shenanigans deployed by top GOP officials, including, among many others, Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales as well as George Bush and Dick Cheney in order to avoid responsibility for their own malfeasance and ineptitude; and on and on?

Now, even though they’re not yet back in power, Republicans are already tossing conservative principles overboard. In an effort to pander to their tea-bagger base, they are in a full-court press to force the government to intervene in the construction of the Park 51 Islamic center near New York City Hall, also known as the (not at) Ground Zero (not a) mosque.

But don’t take my word for it — I’m the sort of partisan progressive-liberal Democrat that makes Glenn Beck cry like a little baby. Here is a conservative, Josh Barro, writing for the National Review’s website, a gold-plated bastion of right wing propaganda and spin, calling out his conservative brothers and sisters on their willingness to shove principles aside to stop the dang mosque:


Democrat for Florida Governor Sums Up the State of Republican Opponents

According to polls, Democratic Florida Governor candidate Alex Sink is benefitting from the hatchet jobs her Republican opponents are doing on one another. In a debate summed up as a “race to the bottom” in Florida newspapers, Attorney General Bill McCollum and disgraced CEO Rick Scott got personal, but said very little about…what is it candidates are supposed to address? Oh yeah, how to fix the state. In this video, Sink continues to point out that Republicans offer pretty much nothing in the way of ideas.


Obviously he’s been a disaster … Michael Steele has failed miserably in the things you’re supposed to do — raise money and basically go out and articulate the message. It’s not going to matter though. In 11 weeks from now, what he says and does in the next 11 weeks is not going to matter.

— Political consultant Ed Rollins, on Face the Nation, on Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.