Homeless Woman Handed the Mic at Obama Meeting

The extraordinary thing about this clip from Obama’s recent town hall in Florida is not his reaction to a homeless woman who wants, not a car or a park, but a kitchen and a bathroom for her family. No, the extraordinary thing is the fact that she was allowed in the room. Can you imagine someone like this being at a George W. Bush or John McCain or Sarah Palin — or any other Republican — event? And being on the front row? Could not happen.

Big ol’ h/t to Steve Schale.


3 thoughts on “Homeless Woman Handed the Mic at Obama Meeting”

  1. “Can you imagine someone like this being at a George W. Bush or John McCain or Sarah Palin — or any other Republican — event? And being on the front row? Could not happen.”

    Especially a BLACK homeless woman!

  2. Mr. Obama you are destroying your base … enough of this bipartisan shit … don’t go them let them come to you … remember dealing with republicans is like dealing with the taliban since they made them … and above all you never trust a republicon.

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