New Rap Song Burning up the Web: ‘George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People’

Boing Boing:

The internets have had their way with Kanye West’s new single “Gold Digger.” An ass-kicking protest remix is now online at FWMJ — it features Kanye’s infamous “George Bush doesn’t care are about black people” quote, and skewers the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina.

The song is by Houston rappers Damien Randle and Micah Nickerson, also known as the Legendary K.O. Since “George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People” first appeared on the Web on Sept. 6, managers of six sites that are hosting it say it has been downloaded at least 500,000 times, although such figures are impossible to verify independently, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Here are the lyrics:

“Five days in this … attic

Can’t use the cellphone I keep getting static

Dying ’cause they lying instead of telling us the truth

Other day the helicopters got my neighbors off the roof

Screwed ’cause they say they coming back for us too

That was three days ago, I don’t see no rescue

See a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do

Since God made the path that I’m trying to walk through

Swam to the store, tryin’ to look for food

Corner store’s kinda flooded so I broke my way through

I got what I could but before I got through

News say the police shot a black man trying to loot

(Who!?) Don’t like black people

George Bush don’t like black people

George Bush don’t like black people

George Bush don’t like ’em

— Excerpt from “George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People.”
Lyrics by The Legendary K.O.


12 thoughts on “New Rap Song Burning up the Web: ‘George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People’”

  1. You know this is ridiculous! Just someone trying to make money off of other people’s sorrow! You need Jesus in your Heart so that it will not be hard and the blinders need to be removed from your eyes so you can realllly see the truth! Black People like you are always trying to blame someone BUT yourself! I realize there is racism in our nation – believe me I have had my share of discrimination. Black people need to do like other nationalities and that is get your own businesses again! Help one another instead of killing and putting junk like this in kid’s minds! WE ARE NOT HELPLESS!! COME ON! GOD IS SHOWING YOU RIGHT NOW THaT HE HAS A BETTER PLAN FOR OUR PEOPLE IF WE WOULD JUST WAKE UP AND BEGIN TO PRAY!! ask Candiss who went to Atlanta, GA from New Orleans and GOD DID IT FOR her! She is at NEW BIRTH Baptist Church with BISHOP EDDIE LONG> GOD not only delivered her out of poverty but HE also gave her a brand new home, car, schools for her kids and a church to serve HIM! DO IT GOD’S WAY and STOP Blaming OUR PRESIDENT – he IS SENT BY GOD! stupid!

  2. C’mon on now…how are we ever going to unite as a nation if we keep coming against out leader? Be glad it wasn’t more than three days. Why don’t you run for president and see if you can do a better job.

  3. I liked the song and the beat and I don’t see anything wrong with anyone expressing their opinion whatever it may be. Let the first person without sin cast the first stone.

    People suffered for at least 5 days didn’t they? I’m glad more people didn’t have to go through that and I’m glad I didn’t have to wait on a roof for days and be hungry and thirsty for days and not know if my loved ones were alive or dead or if I’d even be rescued from the hell they went through. I cannot phathom what they went through, my heart goes out to them and I know God is with them. If someone chose to make a song about it, so be it. The leader of this country should have had water, food, trucks, planes and busses out there days earlier and the leader of this country didn’t do it. Jessie Jackson would have done a much better job but the polls are questionable as to who really won the presidency.

    I love my black people – stay strong and be blessed.

    Denise in California

  4. I listened to the song, and I would have to disagree to the comments that have been mentioned. I have to say that the artist who wrote and recorded the song is guaranteed by the first amendment of the constitution of these United States to have the freedom to have their say in whatever manner they feel to describe how they felt about what was happening to them and so many others, after such a horrific tragedy. I took this song as someone’s way of telling their side of the story of how life was for them after the hurricanes. And the “lack” of response from the one person who has and had the “power” to help didn’t until after the fact. I would like to know how is this going to keep the country divided, when it’s already divided and has been for so long? That was evident on who who the “majority” of the people was that was left behind and there in New Orleans. There’s a lot more to it than just “running” for president if people don’t like the way the “job” is being done. It’s more about the freedoms that the writers of the constitution has bestowed upon this great nation of ours that makes it possible for people to freely and openily have their say whether it’s to a “favorable” opinion or not. And it was MORE than three days that the people in the Gulf Cost were left there to fend and survive for themselves.

  5. I liked the song and the beat and I don’t see anything wrong with anyone expressing their opinion whatever it may be. Let the first person without sin cast the first stone.

    People suffered for at least 5 days didn’t they? I’m glad more people didn’t have to go through that and I’m glad I didn’t have to wait on a roof for days and be hungry and thirsty for days and not know if my loved ones were alive or dead or if I’d even be rescued from the hell they went through. I cannot phathom what they went through, my heart goes out to them and I know God is with them. If someone chose to make a song about it, so be it. The leader of this country should have had water, food, trucks, planes and busses out there days earlier and the leader of this country didn’t do it. Jessie Jackson would have done a much better job but the polls are questionable as to who REALLY won the presidency.

    Denise in California

  6. I feel that this was a way to get a message across to the remaining black nation that still
    chooses to remain in a state of unconsciousness, If we as a people can not see that what happened in New Orleans was a direct affect of genocide of our people, then we will never see. How many more tragedy’s do we have to go thru in order to “wake up?”

  7. You can believe what you choose to believe, but one thing is for sure. In 2001 New Orleans asked the Bush administration for 14 Billion dollars to fix the levees and Bush said no. Yet we as a nation have sent upwards of $300 billion to Iraq to fight a war that everyone knows is about George’ dad.

    For those who believe in God, what better way to wake people up to the wrong doings of an administration than to create a need for money. Absent of the need for money people would not question how “our” money is being wasted in Iraq.

    How can anyone question whether George likes black people or not. Do you ever see any around him? Even when he first visited the coast, which is full of black people, the only people he surrounded himself with were white. And who really cares – This situation has done precisely what black people needed it to do – wake up and smell the coffee – all you have to do is listen to the average white person’s take on the New Orleans debacle and contrast it with the average black person’s and you will witness how deeply divided we are as a country – Blacks had better follow the lead of Mexicans, get your own shit and leave these white people to themselves!

  8. This song is an inspired piece of social commentary, brilliant! Reading some of the responses I just have this to say. Don’t get it twisted. The atrocious response of the Bush administration does not represent some evil plot by whites against blacks, rather one man’s quest for power, at the expense of many. It’s frightening to hear him being called “our leader” and “our president” with such reverence.
    That’s exactly the kind of blind loyalty that made Hitler a household name. Think, Vote, Act & Unite. Don’t let George Bush destroy respect between the races. Divide & conquer is how these folks rule. George Bush does not represent this white person. Peace.

  9. From LaDonna Andrews’ post I can tell SHE’S the one with the blinders on! This doesn’t have anything to do with religion … it has to do with freedom of speech (which religion has an ugly history of supressing).

  10. I’m glad that people are finally realizing that Bush isn’t exactly the best president. He obviously doesn’t know what he’s doing! He needs to do what the song says, COME DOWN BUSH COME ON COME DOWN!
    I love this song it’s hilarious and truthful at the same time. And Bush really DOESN’T care about black people.

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