State Dept. Corrects Itself – Bolton Did Testify about CIA Leak (So He Lied to the Senate When He Said He Didn’t)

Bolton says he forgot he was interviewed about the CIA leak:

John Bolton, the nominee for U.N. ambassador, inaccurately told Congress he had not been interviewed or testified in any investigation over the past five years, the State Department said Thursday, responding to a Democratic critic.

Bolton was interviewed by the State Department inspector general as part of a joint investigation with the Central Intelligence Agency related to Iraqi attempts to buy nuclear materials from Niger, State Department spokesman Noel Clay said.

When Bolton filled out a Senate questionnaire in connection with his nomination, “he didn’t recall being interviewed by the State Department’s inspector general. Therefore, his form, as submitted, was inaccurate,” Clay said. “He will correct it.”


2 thoughts on “State Dept. Corrects Itself – Bolton Did Testify about CIA Leak (So He Lied to the Senate When He Said He Didn’t)”

  1. He said it was a mistake? That is just plain nuts. I guess 41 percent of the American people will believe that and find him to be honest and trustworthy.

    More proof that this gang does not give s darn, they have all the confidence in the world they will get away with everything.

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