Here in the States, we have Operation Yellow Elephant, a netroots effort to encourage young conservatives to put their patriotic fervor for President Bush, the military and the USofA into action by volunteering for service in Iraq.
I’m not sure if there is an equivalent organization in the U.K., where the prime minister, Tony Blair, served as our president’s chief enabler in misleading the public about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. If there is, they have surely taken notice that Blair’s oldest son Euan is not heading for Iraq this year. Instead, he will be thousands of miles from the war zone, in Washington, serving as an intern in the office of a leading Republican congressman.
This is one of the developments in the news where stories collide. The congressman is not just any Republican. He’s a Gop from California who has been the subject of stories here in the world of citizen journalism over the past few months – stories that have not been deemed worthy of coverage by our corporate sisters. You won’t find a forthright telling his story in the U.S. press, but here’s how they presented it in The Scotsman:
The Prime Minister’s son, Euan Blair, has beaten around 100,000 hopefuls to secure an internship with a Republican congressman who is accused by gay rights campaigners of leading a double life. Euan is to work for David Dreier on Capitol Hill in Washington…
Mr Dreier, who will be the 21-year-old’s mentor during his internship, has been accused of hypocrisy for opposing legislation to stop discrimination against gay couples when questions have been asked about his personal life. He is believed to live with his male chief of staff and has refused to comment on his sexuality.
However, campaigners have accused him of double standards, pointing to his voting record in which he has opposed legislation to ban discrimination against gay people in employment and supported a ban on gay and lesbian couples adopting in the district of Columbia, as well as rejecting hate-crimes legislation intended to protect gays.