As is its habit, late yesterday, after the million-dollar babies in the Washington press had adjourned for the weekend, the White House released details of the programs it plans to cut in education, children’s health and small business support. The AP gives us a skim:
In the new list, Bush asked lawmakers to eliminate programs worth $4.3 billion from education, $1 billion from health and $1.5 billion from law enforcement.Reductions include cuts totaling $2.5 billion from agriculture, $690 million from health and $470 million from housing.
What? No corporate welfare programs are being eliminated? I’m shocked. But there’s more:
In all, the targeted programs include 99 that the White House wants to eliminate, for a total of $8.8 billion in savings. The president wants to save an additional $6.5 billion by cutting spending on 55 programs, including:
– End the Small Business Administration’s $15 million micro-loan program because it costs taxpayers yearly $1 for each $1 lent.
– Eliminate $496 million in educational technology state grants to free more money for higher priority programs that focus on student achievement and show clearer results.
– Cut half of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership and move the program closer to self-reliance.
– Cut one-third of the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program because an assessment determined there was no demonstrated need for the program.
– Eliminate the National Drug Intelligence Center because it duplicates programs run by a new, multi-agency Drug Intelligence Fusion Center.