Rick ‘America’s Pastor’ Warren Compares Being Gay to Punching Someone in the Nose, Adultery and Arsenic

Pres. Obama’s favorite bigot, megachurch hatemonger Rick Warren, who once boasted about his ties to Martin Ssempa, a leader in the “kill the gays” movement in Uganda, has stepped in it again:

RICK WARREN: Here’s what we know about life. I have all kinds of natural feelings in my life and it doesn’t necessarily mean that I should act on every feeling. Sometimes I get angry and I feel like punching a guy in the nose. It doesn’t mean I act on it. Sometimes I feel attracted to women who are not my wife. I don’t act on it. Just because I have a feeling doesn’t make it right. Not everything natural is good for me. Arsenic is natural.

You know what else is “natural,” Pastor Rick? Stupidity. Some people are just born that way.

After Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008, he stunned his gay supporters by giving Warren a prominent speaking role at his inauguration. Just weeks before the event, Warren betrayed+ his true colors in an interview when he compared gay marriage to incest and pedophilia. In December 2009, after his relationship with Ssempa and Uganda’s kill-the-gays were exposed, Warren denied they had ever existed.

Rick Warren: Evangelicals’ ‘Sticking Point’ – Mormons ‘Don’t Believe in the Historic Doctrine of the Trinity’

RICK WARREN: Well, the key sticking point for evangelicals and actually for many is the issue of the Trinity,” the evangelical pastor explained. “Orthodox Christians, Catholic Christians, Protestant Christians, evangelical Christians and Pentecostal Christians all believe in the Trinity; that’s the historic doctrine of the church, that God is three-in-one. Not three gods; one God in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mormonism denies that. That’s a sticking point for a lot of Catholic Christians, evangelical Christians, Pentecostal Christians, because they don’t — they don’t believe that. Now they’ll use the same terminology, but they don’t believe in the historic doctrine of the Trinity,” Warren added. “And people have tried to make it other issues. But that’s really one of the fundamental differences.