Clinton Portrait Artist Included Reference to Lewinsky

If you look at the left-hand side of it there’s a mantle in the Oval Office and I put a shadow coming into the painting and it does two things. It actually literally represents a shadow from a blue dress that I had on a mannequin, that I had there while I was painting it, but not when he was there. It is also a bit of a metaphor in that it represents a shadow on the office he held, or on him. And so the Clintons hate the portrait. They want it removed from the National Portrait Gallery. They’re putting a lot of pressure on them.

— Pennsylvania artist Nelson Shanks, telling the Philadelphia Daily News that he included a reference to Monica Lewinsky in his portrait of Bill Clinton.

Clinton Foundation Has Raised $2 Billion

$2 billion

Amount the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised since its creation in 2001 from “a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests,” according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data. First Read: “If this looked like a conflict of interest when she was secretary of state, why doesn’t it look like a conflict of interest as she prepares for another presidential bid?”

Clinton Charity Accepted Millions from HSBC Clients

$81 million

Amount the charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank, the Guardian reports. “Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva.”

GOP Developing Oppo Research on Bill and Hillary Clinton

Listen, we’re writing a Hillary Clinton book now, we have a research team that’s in Little Rock, so we’re not going to be shy about it… We’re going to be active. We’re going to get whatever we have to to share with the American people the truth about Hillary and Bill Clinton.

— RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, telling Bloomberg that the Republican party has already started a major opposition research effort against Hillary Clinton.

Clinton: Cheney’s Remarks on Iraq ‘Unseemly’

If they hadn’t gone to war in Iraq, none of this would be happening. Mr. Cheney has been incredibly adroit for the last six years or so attacking the administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made. And I think it’s unseemly. And I give President Bush, by the way, a lot of credit for trying to stay out of this debate and letting other people work through it.

— Bill Clinton, in an interview with NBC News.