Pope Endorses Anti-Gay Bigot, Ends U.S. Visit on Sour Note

Kim Davis, left, and Pope Francis
Kim Davis, left, and Pope Francis

New pope, same as the old pope.

  • From Slate, Why Pope Francis’ Meeting With Kim Davis Is Such a Disaster:

    Kim Davis is the living embodiment of the sort of minor, distracting, noxious culture-war figure who continually saps America’s ability to focus on anything but the distractions of culture warriors. By meeting with her, the pope has ensured that the takeaway from his visit won’t be that we must come together to focus on more important matters—because he failed to resist the lure of the latest divisive headline-grabber’s antics himself.

  • In The Guardian, Pope Francis’s Meeting with Kim Davis Should Come as No Surprise:

    Pope Francis’s no-longer-secret meeting in Washington DC with anti-gay activist Kim Davis, the controversial Kentucky county clerk who was briefly jailed over her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses in compliance with state law, leaves LGBT people with no illusions about the Pope’s stance on equal rights for us, despite his call for inclusiveness. It should now be clear to all that he and the Catholic Church remain steadfastly on the wrong side of history, mired in a discriminatory past.


One thought on “Pope Endorses Anti-Gay Bigot, Ends U.S. Visit on Sour Note”

  1. As we now know, the pope meet her in an anonymous way and not in a formal way and so Kim Davis basically made up much of what she claimed to have transpired. Also, the Pope is expected to fire the Cardinal/Bishop who picked her to meet the Pope. Thank goodness.

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