Obama to Cantor: ‘Would Ronald Reagan Be Sitting Here? I’ve Reached My Limit?’

I have reached the point where I say, “Enough.” Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I’ve reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.

Pres. Obama to House Minority Leader Eric Cantor Wednesday night as he brought their umpteenth daily meeting on the debt ceiling crisis to a close.


2 thoughts on “Obama to Cantor: ‘Would Ronald Reagan Be Sitting Here? I’ve Reached My Limit?’”

  1. Pingback: Aaron Rzadczynski
  2. Yeah, because that’s really what the debate here is about, Aaron. A meddling government.

    Nevermind the fact that we’re going to default on our loans and send our economy into a full blown depression if lawmakers (Boehner, Cantor, Obama) can’t reach a deal. And that’s a fact– it’s a fact that if we default on our loans, the economy will take a worse turn than we’ve ever seen in the past.

    But yeah, you’re totally right Aaron. This is definitely the time to start spewing bullshit rhetoric about how our lawmakers are forming a ‘meddling’ government by trying to reach a deal on which programs to cut and what taxes to raise.

    Fucking moron.

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