‘Swinging Dirk’ Kempthorne Returns to DC

Family Values: First of all, his name is Dirk — but his last name is Kempthorne, not Digler, and he was the governor of Idaho until this week, when President Bush nominated him to be the next Secretary of the Interior.

But when Kempthorne was a U.S. senator, he had a reputation. If it is true, he made Bill Clinton look like a school boy. According to 43rd State Blues: Democracy for Idaho, it is widely rumored that:

  • While he was philandering in D.C., he was married, of course — but he also had a full-time girlfriend from back home who worked in his office
  • He and the girlfriend had a child
  • When his senate career ended, his wife insisted that he give up the girlfriends, all of them, and move back to Idaho
  • They moved back, but at least one girlfriend, the one with the child, returned to Idaho too

Did I need to mention that Kempthorne is a Republican?


4 thoughts on “‘Swinging Dirk’ Kempthorne Returns to DC”

  1. What you folks may not know is that Dirk Baby is a real died-in the wool, washed in the blood of (your guess is as good as any as to type and derivation there of!)bible thumping, public praying upholder of Christian FAMILY VALUES, and if you don’t believe me just as HIM!
    Guess that makes Dirk boy a lot like Baby George, doesn’t it? Just don’t think Dirky is into cutting much brush, though, but maybe he can ride a bike, do you reckon?

  2. P.S. This is one time when D.C.’s loss is most assuredly IDAHO’S gain! Dirky boy is NOW in a place where he can help Dubya Bush DO SOME SERIOUS AND UNTHINKABLY LONG LASTING DAMAGE….to the WHOLE DAMNED WORLD….and don’t forget that DIRKY BABY AIN’T EVEN STARTED TO GET RICH…until now, that is, so he’s got a whole lot of empty to fill…..ROTSA RUK, WORLD!

  3. Climb on board, there’s plenty of room in the limo.
    It’s not like we expect Bush to hire someone from the Sierra Club or Greenpeace. They might care about the Land too much.
    He probably got a million calls from Oil, Lumber, Coal, and the Tribes. Ralph Reed, too!

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