Sarah Palin Really Should Seek Professional Help
Sarah Palin needs help – I don’t mean psychological help. (She probably needs that, too, but I am apathetic about her personal or psychological well-being.) The professional help she needs is political.
As I wrote last week, she has surrounded herself with political neophytes whom she can dominate, rather than experienced professionals, whom she can’t, and the neophytes are enabling her self-destruction.
In the early hours after the gun attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on Jan. 8, experienced aides — or, really, anyone with common sense — would have advised Palin to, pardon the war metaphors, hold fire, keep her powder dry and not go off half-cocked before details about the tragedy were confirmed.
Instead, her team of know-nothings panicked, apparently in reaction to an early erroneous report on Fox that Giffords had died. They were desperate because they knew that sooner or later the folks at MSNBC would re-broadcast an interview with the late Rep. Giffords from March in which Giffords herself laid blame at Palin’s feet: