Tag: Trump dissenters
Majority Disagree with Trump’s Handling of NFL Protests
A new Economist/YouGov poll finds that just 30% of the public approves of President Trump’s handling of the NFL protests. In addition, NFL fans (44% of the public) are more negative than the public at large about the President on this issue.
Super Bowl Winners Shun Trump
The number of New England Patriot players who have backed out of the traditional post-game meeting with Donald Trump — “a sharp new sign of deepening American divisions,” BuzzFeed reports.
Don’t Credit Trump with Creating ‘Disruption’
We must resist a bad habit infecting political commentary that sees Trump’s irresponsibility, bigotry and casual cruelty as a heroic form of “disruption” aimed at bringing down “the establishment.” No. The people in the streets rallying against Trump are not the establishment. Those political and business leaders who are, for now, playing along with and enabling Trump very much are the establishment.
— E.J. Dionne
Diplomatic Dissent Cable Garners 1,000-Plus Signatures
“Within hours, a State Department dissent cable, asserting that President Trump’s executive order to temporarily bar citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries would not make the nation safer, traveled like a chain letter — or a viral video,” reports the New York Times … “By 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the letter had attracted around 1,000 signatures, State Department officials said, far more than any dissent cable in recent years. It was being delivered to management, and department officials said more diplomats wanted to add their names to it.”
Won’t Be Back
Arnold Schwarzennegger’s not known for his artifice,
Though the guy did hold California’s highest office.
But in disagreeing with Donald,
One wonders if Arnold
Realizes he could get terminated from “Celebrity Apprentice.”