Tag: trickle-down economics
Most Say They Haven’t Benefitted from Good Economy
A new Monmouth poll finds just 12% of Americans say that their family has benefited a great deal from recent growth in the U.S. economy and another 31% say they have received some benefit from the economic upturn. A majority, though, say they have been helped either not much (27%) or not at all (27%) from the nation’s macroeconomic growth.
That Voodoo Trump Do
Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchin are a pair of mavericks,
Who say they won’t pay for Trump’s tax cuts for the rich.
We’ve got a case of deja vu —
It sounds like 1982,
When Ronald Reagan dabbled in disastrous Voodoo Economics.
Rand Paul’s Economic Theory Sounds Like Every Other Republican’s
The thing is, income inequality is due to some people working harder and selling more things. If people voluntarily buy more of your stuff, you’ll have more money.
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), responding when asked if his flat tax plan would further separate the haves from the have-nots, Paul said that income inequality is the result of some Americans working harder than others, rather than economic policies, the Huffington Post reports.
Sounds Like ‘Trickle Down’ to Us, Jeb
The challenge isn’t that some people are successful and some people aren’t. Taking from the successful people to provide for those that aren’t isn’t the solution. The solution is, How do you build capacity so people can achieve earned success?
— Jeb Bush, speaking after a closed meeting at the Metropolitan Republican Club on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, reports the Palm Beach Post.
The Reagan Legacy: Can We Talk?
While folks born from the late ’70s on reflect fondly on the 100th birthday of Pres. Ronald Reagan, I wanted to inject a little reality on the subject of the Gipper.
As someone who was already around when he was in office, I have a different view of the golden age conservatives now see as the greatest in our country’s history, except of course, for the halcyon days of 3/5ths personhood and what-not at our country’s founding. Reagan gave us:
- Voodoo economics, aka trickle-down economics, aka supply-side economics, aka tax breaks for the rich
- Tripling the national debt within two years (see “voodoo economics”)
- Just Say No
- Creating a new demographic of Americans: The Homeless
- A 4,370-piece set of dishes (19 pieces per setting), costing $209,508
- Bombing Libya and killing 60 people, including Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi’s 15-month-old daughter
- Ketchup as a vegetable in public school lunches
- Lt. Col. Oliver North
- Selling arms to Iran and using the money to overthrow the government of Nicaragua
- Using astrology to plan presidential trips, functions, speeches, etc.