More Republicans Support Gun Control Now Than After Pulse Shooting


Republican support for stronger gun control laws is up seven points from a year ago. More than half of Republicans (52 percent) said they oppose stricter gun control, down seven points from the June 2016 poll, according to a recent Morning Consult poll. The poll, conducted in the days following the shooting that wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise — along with a lobbyist, congressional staffer and a member of the Capitol Police — found 44 percent of Republicans said they support strengthening gun laws.

Former Klan Leader Might to Unseat Mere Racist

Steve Scalise, let me tell you something, this is the way I view it now: I mean this guy is a sellout. I mean he’s a sellout. He’s not David. He used to say that he was David Duke of course without the baggage, whatever that means… I might have to run against Steve Scalise because you know, I really might. I mean, I’m definitely going to consider it because its so disgusting to me to see…he got elected on false pretenses.

— Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, saying he might run for office against Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), BuzzFeed reports. Scalise faced questions earlier this month about a 2003 appearance he made before a white supremacist group founded by Duke and called the appearance “a mistake I regret.”