Tag: Southern politics
Turn the South Into a ‘Free-Market Jesus Paradise’
With Landrieu’s departure, the Democrats will have no more senators from the Deep South, and I say good. Forget about it. Forget about the whole fetid place. Write it off. Let the GOP have it and run it and turn it into Free-Market Jesus Paradise. The Democrats don’t need it anyway.
— Michael Tomasky, writing in the Daily Beast.It All Comes Down to This — Obama Is Black
I’ll be very, very honest with you: The South has not always been the friendliest place for African Americans. It’s been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader.
— Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), in an interview with NBC News.
A Cardinal Rule of Political PR
That’s right. I let him get his own publicity.
— Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS), quoted by Politico, noting that he doesn’t ever mention challenger Chris McDaniel (R) by name.
Dunces of Confederacy
Senator Rand Paul is always good for a laugh,
But hiring a white supremacist was a gaff.
Paul’s a fervent libertarian,
And quite the contrarian,
But even he can’t have a “Southern Avenger” on staff.
GOP Is Out to Create a Black Democratic Party in the South
In private discussions, Republicans in the South talk explicitly about their goal of turning the Democratic Party into a black party, and in many Southern states they have succeeded. African-American legislators make up the majority of state House and Senate Democratic caucuses in most of the Southern states.
— Thomas Edsall, writing in the New York Times Opinionator Blog.
Alvin & the Chipmunks
South Carolina’s finest Democratic brains
Alvin Greene’s primary victory maintained.
Which caused Greene to emote,
“If nominated, I’ll vote,
“But if elected, I will not campaign!”