Tag: shit Trump says
More Abortion Contortions
We’re used to seeing Donald Trump’s policy contortions,
Like, whatever’s playing this minute is his current position.
A nationwide one would be great,
Or should we leave it to the states?
You just can’t pin the Trumpster down on abortion.
Trump: Hot or Not Hot?
“I was sort of like a hot guy. I was hot as a pistol. I think I was hotter than I am now, and I became president. Okay. I don’t know. I said to somebody, was I hotter before or hotter now? I don’t know. Who the hell knows?”
— Donald Trump, at a campaign rally.
One Lame Campaign
It’s pretty widely agreed: Trump’s campaign is a hot mess,
No one asserts anymore he’s playing thee-dimensional chess.
It’s a funny kind of campaign,
Based on lies, invective and blame,
And featuring press conferences at his golf courses — without the press.
Trumpers Deny, Defer, Depart
For Republicans, it’s become something of an art —
Dealing with media over Trump’s latest brain fart.
In a return to 2016,
He resurrected his anti-Black theme,
Leaving GOPers no alternatives but “deny, defer and depart.”