Shocker: Infowars Made Stuff Up

“The information did not meet our expectations, so we made it up, preying on the vulnerable and feeding the prejudices and fears of Jones’s audience. We ignored certain facts, fabricated others and took situations out of context to fit our narrative.”

— Josh Owens, a former staff member at Alex Jones’s far-right conspiracy site Infowars, admits in the New York Times to making up stories for the site about the threat of Shariah law within the United States.

Poll: North Carolinians Unhappy with Teabilly Takeover of State Government

With the election of tea party Republican Pat McCrory as governor last year, the GOP completed its first takeover of the North Carolina government in nearly 150 years. Since then, the Republican governor and state House and Senate have generated one embarrassing headline after another.

And what about jobs, jobs, jobs? Nada. At 8.8 percent in May, North Carolina has the fifth highest unemployment rate in the country.

A few of these include the governor’s installation as budget czar Art Pope, a Koch brothers’ Mini-me; draconian cuts in benefits for the unemployed and Medicaid patients; raising taxes on the poor and middle class while cutting taxes for for Czar Pope and his fatcat cohorts; a short-lived proposal to jettison the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and institute an official state religion in North Carolina; a bill to make it a felony for women (but not men) to expose their nipples in public; and the stealthy passage of anti-abortion bill, first on the back of anti-Sharia law legislation and then as a rider on a motorcycle safety bill, during the July 4th holiday, a week when North Carolinians vacation at the beach.

And what about jobs, jobs, jobs? Nada. At 8.8 percent in May, North Carolina has the fifth highest unemployment rate in the country.

Results of a new poll from Raleigh-based Public Policy Polling show that North Carolina voters are beginning to return to their traditional progressive moderation on political issues:
