Tag: Rick Santorum
Endorsing Recordless Rubio
Rick dropped out and said of Marco, “I’m for him.”
But when asked for Rubio’s accomplishments, he couldn’t list ’em.
So when’s an endorsement
Mostly an impediment?
When it comes from a washed-up has-been like Rick Santorum.
Santorum Warns Walker Over Family Divide Over Gay Marriage
Spouses matter. When your spouse is not in-sync with you — particularly on cultural issues, moral issues — you tend not to be as active on those issues.
— Rick Santorum, warning that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s dissonance with his wife on same-sex marriage could cause him to be less “active” in his opposition, The Hill reports.
Santorum Misses the Cause of the Charleston Killings
This is one of those situations where you just have to take a step back and say we — you know, you talk about the importance of prayer in this time and we’re now seeing assaults on our religious liberty we’ve never seen before. It’s a time for deeper reflection beyond this horrible situation.
— GOP primary hopeful Rick Santorum, calling the church shooting in Charleston — which left nine people dead — a “crime of hate” and connected the event to a broader “assault on our religious liberty,” the Washington Post reports.
One Is Enough for Santorum
Number of Iowans who showed up to Rick Santorum’s 2 p.m. campaign stop at a restaurant in Hamlin, Iowa, Monday, the Des Moines Register reports. In a previous stop he drew just 10 people. Said Santorum: “It’s not glamorous, and you’re not out there raising money, but you’re doing what the money is ultimately supposed to do — getting votes. This is a lot more fun than being on the phone raising money.”
Santorum Distinguishes ‘Political Science’ from ‘Science’
Anytime you hear a scientist say, ‘the science is settled,’ that’s political science and not real science. No scientist in his right mind would ever say the science is settled.
— Rick Santorum, quoted by The Hill, on climate change.
Santorum Stands Mute As S.C. Birther Claims Obama Tried to Nuke Charleston
On a swing into South Carolina last week in his never-ending but never-gonna-happen campaign to win the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum proved again that he is a political hack who lacks the gravitas — and class — required to be president.
During a Q&A session at a birther, anti-Muslim summit, Santorum said nothing during a two-and-a-half minute rant by Virginia Ellisor, a self-described “retired teacher, lifelong political activist and lifelong resident of South Carolina,” who laced her comments with a series of ridiculous allegations against the president — that Pres. Obama is a “communist dictator,” that he is “not a citizen,” and that he is “trying to destroy the United States.”
Getting to specifics about the latter accusation, Ellisor cited a recent alleged attempt by the president to destroy an American city.
Santorum: Do We Really Want ‘Bomb-Throwers’ as Presidential Candidates?
Do we really want someone with this little experience? And the only experience they have basically — not Rubio, but Cruz and Paul because I don’t think Rubio is going to go — is bomb throwing? Do we really want somebody who’s a bomb thrower, with no track record of any accomplishments?
— Rick Santorum, dismissing possible 2016 primary competitors Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as “bomb throwers” with few achievements, the New York Times reports.
Santorum Compares Congress and Hollywood — Hollywood Loses
I find a lot more honest people in politics than I do in movies.
— Rick Santorum, quoted by Yahoo News, discussing his latest venture into the motion picture industry.
A Non-Unifying Principle
Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum tried to meld their abilities.
They thought together on a ticket they could beat Mitt Romney.
But they couldn’t quit the argument
Over which one would be the president —
See, the only thing missing from their unity ticket was … unity.