All Hat, No Brain
Rick Perry is dumb, but it’s not his fault,
And he blends right in with the GOP gestalt.
But Rick sounds like a super-moron,
When he says that by keeping the lights on,
Fossil fuels actually can prevent sexual assault.
Rick Perry is dumb, but it’s not his fault,
And he blends right in with the GOP gestalt.
But Rick sounds like a super-moron,
When he says that by keeping the lights on,
Fossil fuels actually can prevent sexual assault.
In Texas Rick Perry’s still popular,
In Trump’s cabinet, he’ll just be titular.
At the Energy Department
He’ll need some comportment,
And he’ll have to stop pronouncing it “nu-cu-lar.”
As Rick Perry’s place in the polls recedes,
It’s time to drop out of the race, he concedes.
But he seems imminently fit
For an ambassadorship,
When Texas, inevitably, secedes.