Health Records Used to Prosecute Women Following Dobbs Decision


“At least 210 women faced criminal charges related to pregnancy, abortion, pregnancy loss, or birth in the year after the Supreme Court ended the federal right to abortion,” Rolling Stone reports. “In most of the cases — 121 of the 210 — the information later used against the women was obtained or disclosed in a medical setting, researchers found.”

Female Legislators Turn the Tables on Reproductive Rights Bills

RepublicansVaginaEven before Republican Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell’s “oops” moment — when he admitted that he had no clue how the mandatory ultrasound he originally backed “unconditionally” worked — women knew that most men don’t bother their pretty little heads with the details of contraception. Such lady business is just not theirs to contemplate.

So female legislators introduced a string of bills in state houses intended to help them “get it.”

O.K. Republican Taliban guys, we’ll break down what you’re advocating for you, analogy style. First, Virginia State Sen. Janet Howell (D).

Sen. Janet Howell proposed an amendment requiring men to undergo a rectal exam and cardiac stress test before getting prescriptions for erectile dysfunction drugs.
