Recruiting the Jews
It’s just not the same without Michele Bachmann running.
We certainly do miss her constant dumber and dumbing.
But it’s OK,
She’s found her way —
She’s now campaigning for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming.
It’s just not the same without Michele Bachmann running.
We certainly do miss her constant dumber and dumbing.
But it’s OK,
She’s found her way —
She’s now campaigning for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming.
That Harold Camping’s a son of a gun.
With his Rapture talk he’s having some fun.
Was he wrong? He won’t say,
About the twenty-first of May,
But now he says it’s October twenty-one!
The Bible-bangers went and made a prediction
That tomorrow at 6 comes salvation.
For those of our kind
Who will be left behind,
Why, we’ll just enjoy a world with no Christians.