All for the Wall
It’s a classic case of robbing Peter to pay Paul,
As Trump’s administration seeks to solve a shortfall.
They rob border security
To buy border security,
By taking from the Coast Guard, TSA and FEMA to build the Wall.
It’s a classic case of robbing Peter to pay Paul,
As Trump’s administration seeks to solve a shortfall.
They rob border security
To buy border security,
By taking from the Coast Guard, TSA and FEMA to build the Wall.
Trump’s fully behind Trumpcare — he’s on the warpath,
But meanwhile House Republicans are doing the math.
If they pass the bill ‘n’
Take coverage from 10 million,
The 2018 midterms look like a “bloodbath.”
Paul Ryan said the Trumpcare bill was going to be great,
While not quite a repeal, gone is the onerous mandate.
Though Trump says he’s pleased,
The majority agrees:
The bill has something for everyone — to hate.
We knew Trump would be tough on immigration,
But lately there’s been an alarming escalation.
“We’re getting gang members out,
“We’re getting drug lords out,”
In what he refers to as a “military operation.”
Of late, Donald Trump’s been emboldened
To call media “fake news” and to scold ’em.
But when a reporter asked
Where he got his Electoral College “facts,”
Trump said it was something somebody just gave him.
Trump’s media attacks are characterized by harshness,
And his “enemy” meme is starting to stick to the press.
But the media mainstream
Now has it’s own meme —
WaPo’s new tagline: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”
Maybe it’s because they frequent seedy discotheques,
Or maybe it’s because they prefer kinky sex.
Maybe it’s the weekend blow,
But chances are, we’ll never know
Why six White House staffers failed background checks.
It was nominated to be Secretary of Labor,
But it had been accused of being an abuser.
But even after it withdrew,
We still wished we knew
What, for heaven’s sake, is a PUZDER?
As the White House devolves into chaos and confusion,
And Team Trump responds with rebukes and accusations,
Why hasn’t the Congress
Moved to address the mess?
And where is the Republicans’ old zeal for investigations?
The backlash to her Ivanka ad must have astonished her,
And now the Ethics Office says Trump should admonish her.
This Kellyanne Conway antic
Goes far beyond ethics,
But don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to punish her.