As children most of us learned that the two hardest things about telling lies is 1) remembering exactly what you told to whom and when, and 2) the potential of someone telling on you. U.S. Attorney general Jeff Sessions is finding out that both pitfalls amount to a “gotcha” following his sworn testimony Tuesday before the Senate.
Sessions rendered the first potential pitfall moot by having a case of amnesia so bad it would embarrass a soap opera star. He also pulled his Southern gentleman and respect for the norms of the Justice Department act (because we’ve seen how the Trump administration and the McConnell Senate uphold longstanding traditions and norms) to stonewall his way through his testimony.
But it appears that Sessions has been tripped up by number two. Or maybe it was a combination of forgetting that he invited Richard Burt, a lobbyist for Russia, to dinner — twice! — and then counting on said lobbyist to keep his mouth shut about it. In Alabama I believe they pronounce it puhjuhray, Mr. AG.
The Guardian has the full story here.