What Does Surprise Winner in Bloomberg News Poll Portend for 2020?

The winner of the latest Bloomberg News poll
The winner of the latest Bloomberg News poll

The results of a new Bloomberg News poll in Florida show the winner is…Michelle Obama!

The First Lady’s net favorability score — 57 — was higher than the other ten people in the poll, all of whom are, were, or want to be, elected officials.

Here are the actual numbers, from lowest net favorables to highest:

Patrick Murphy, candidate for the Florida U.S. Senate seat currently held by Marco Rubio — 38
Tim Kaine, Democratic VP nomineeand Virginia senator — 39
Hillary Clinton — 44
Donald Trump — 46
Rick Scott, Florida governor — 47
Bill Clinton, former president — 47
Marco Rubio, Florida senator — 50
Mike Pence, Republican VP nominee and Indiana governor — 51
Barack Obama, president — 51
Joe Biden, vice president — 54


Rubio Challenges Murphy to Six Debates


Number of live televised debates, including one on Spanish-language TV, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) challenged Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL) to on Wednesday morning, Politico reports. “In challenging his rival, Rubio is cutting against the conventional wisdom for winning campaigns, which usually seek to minimize on-stage debates with trailing rivals. Rubio has led Murphy in the last nine polls taken since July 1.”