The Photo the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Show


Rumor has it that pictures and video of the arrest of retired Philadelphia police chief Ray Lewis at the Nov. 17 Occupy Wall Street protest are being ignored by the corporate media.

Indeed, when I did a Google search to verify the details before posting about it here, the main coverage I could find was from Britain’s Daily Mail. This photo, and others posted at the Daily Mail, are mainly available on Tumblr, Facebook and YouTube.

Lewis, who retired as a captain in the Philadelphia police in 2004, went to New York in full dress uniform and a sign that read, “NYPD – Don’t be Wall Street mercenaries” in solidarity with the protesters.


Nobody Pepper-Sprayed Enraged, Even Armed Tea Partyists When They Disrupted Public Events in 2009

A Summer of Protests and Rage from Nico Colombant on Vimeo.

Despite the frequent eruptions of violence, threats lodged at elected officials and, on at least two occasions, shows of force when protesters arrived at presidential events fully armed, law enforcement across the country all but ignored the rage fits indulged in by pro-corporatist, anti-health-care reform protesters — almost all of whom were over 40 and 99.99 percent of whom were white — in the summer of 2009.

Contrast that with the fall of 2011 when police in New York City; Portland, Oregon; and on the campus of University of California at Davis have pepper-sprayed nonviolent Occupy protesters — most of whom are young and many of whom are not white — who were peaceably assembled, as is their constitutional right.

Keep in mind the images of cops pepper-spraying Occupiers like they were bugs today, as you take a quick stroll down memory lane to the late summer of 2009:


Balanced Budget Amendment Fails

When I – along with 86 of my Freshmen colleagues – were elected a little more than a year ago, we pledged to change the conversation in our Nation’s Capital. Despite today’s failed resolution, I believe we have changed that conversation.

Rep. Allen West (R/Tea – Fla.), expressing his disappointment that the balanced budget amendment failed in the House, and co-opting the term, “change the conversation.” Tea partiers weren’t sent to Congress to change the conversation, they were sent to take action. Changing the conversation is the aim of the Occupy movement, which has successfully changed it from the made-up deficit crisis to income inequality and socializing risk.