The Governor Who Set an NRA Record for Pro-Gun Legislation in His First Term is Shocked by FEMA’s Denial of His Emergency Request for Dealing With a Mass Shooting

Scott to FEMA: “But, but, but…”

It had to be hard for Gov. Rick Scott (GOP-TEA) to ask Pres. Obama to declare a disaster in Orlando worthy of federal funding. After all, Scott’s request for all American taxpayers to cover the bill for the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub flies in the face of everything that tea partyers hold dear. As they say, they are Taxed Enough Already.

But he did.

“I urge you to declare an emergency under the Stafford Act so that ‘the full resources of the federal government’ can be made available for the individuals, families and communities impacted by this ‘horrific massacre,’” Scott wrote.

Scott has gotten his response. We can save you some time and tell you the answer was, “No.” But reading the full letter from FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate is just too much fun, so here it is.


Reid Ties GOP to NRA After Latest Mass Shootings

Those who choose to do the NRA’s bidding will be held accountable by our constituents. Something has to be done. We must take a stand. The American people are desperately looking for help, some help, any help. It will never be possible to prevent every shooting. We know that. But we have a responsibility to try. There are certain things we can do.

— Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), calling the NRA the “quasi-militant wing of the Republican Party,” Politico reports.

You’re More Likely to be Killed by a Gun than a Car

Graphic from Americans for Responsible Solutions
Graphic from Americans for Responsible Solutions
The good news is cars and driving are getting safer, thanks to better construction, a trend away from younger drivers, and maybe even because of harsher penalties for things like texting while driving or not wearing a seatbelt.

The bad news is you’re more likely to take a bullet, especially if you’re under 25.


NRA Points Out That Shooters Aren’t Shooters Just Because They Shoot Someone — Thanks, NRA!

Leave it to the National Rifle Association to define propaganda in a video that could be the poster child for propaganda. The NRA thinks the news media, or “entertainment,” should not call murderers “shooters” if they shoot a gun and thereby kill somebody. Unless, I suppose, the media starts differentiating between shooters, stranglers, stabbers, bludgeoners, electrocuters, poisoners and vehiculers.

And who knew there was something called “NRA News?” Is it “media” or “entertainment?” It’s not very entertaining, but then again, it’s not exactly reportage, either.


Manchin Not Afraid to Shoot It Out with the NRA

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is gunning for the NRA, which recently urged West Virginians to pressure their elected official to get in line. Manchin, who supports extending background checks to buyers at gun shows and online, was previously supported by the NRA because of his voting record on their issues. Now he is on their public enemy list.

Manchin: ‘What other purpose do we have here? Why do we ask to be policy makers when we’re afraid to engage?’

On the Morning Joe show, Manchin debuted his own new ad, and explained he didn’t go to Washington to serve the NRA.

“What other purpose do we have here?” Manchin asked. “Why do we ask to be policy makers and be involved in the public process when we’re afraid to engage? I’m not. I’m not afraid to engage. The worst they can do is defeat me and send me home to my family and the state I love, West Virginia. That’s a pretty good consolation. What are we afraid of?”

Manchin added that the strategy of the NRA and Gun Owners of America is to use lies and innuendo to work up the gullible and keep those donations flowing in.

“The only thing they use against me is: ‘we just don’t trust government,” Manchin said. “Well, I’m sorry if you don’t like it. Get involved and make it better. Don’t just sit and curse the wind. But they don’t want to get involved, they just want to keep this paranoia going on.”

NRA Closes Its 2013 Convention with Speech by Vietnam War Draft Dodger

Why does the NRA hate America? The final speaker at the gunmakers’ convention in Texas last weekend was Ted Nugent, who, during the Vietnam War, conned his way out of conscription by defecating in his clothing and not bathing before going in for a physical examination at the Draft Board.

Nugent was last seen when he was the guest of a Texas tea bagger congressman at the State of the Union speech in February.

No Democrats Spoke at the NRA Convention


Number of Democrats who spoke at the National Rifle Association’s 2013 annual convention. “In an indicator of the continued influence of the nation’s largest gun-owners’ group, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and other Republican politicians addressed the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston Friday, celebrating the defeat of gun legislation in the Senate, assailing the media, and offering a strong defense of the powerful lobbying organization,” NBC News reports.