Tag: Michael Grimm
Grimm’s Prospects Looking Grim
On top of all that I have an election to win.
— Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY), quoted by the New York Observer, at a press conference after his indictment on federal fraud charges.
Grimm Gets Gruff with NY1 Reporter
Let me be clear to you, you ever do that to me again I’ll throw you off this f**king balcony.
— Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY), to a NY1 reporter who asked him about the investigation into his campaign finances after the State of the Union address.
Bully Boy: Staten Island GOP Rep. Michael Grimm Threatens Reporter Who Asked Him about Corruption Charges
Earlier this month Diana Durand, a Republican operative who raised donations for New York City GOP Rep. Michael Grimm, was arrested by federal officials and charged with donating nearly $10,000 to Grimm’s campaign via an interstate “donor swapping” scheme. The stress of the federal investigation has apparently gotten to Grimm, who threatened to NY1 reporter Michael Scotto after Scotto asked him about the scandal in a post-State of the Union interview last night.
Grimm at first walked away from the camera, but then returned to threaten Scotto after he had wrapped the live interview. The camera and Scotto’s microphone were still on, however, and Grimm’s verbal assault was captured on video and has been transcribed by NY1: