Melania Trump Paid Six Figures to Speak at Trump Findraiser


“Melania Trump has barely been seen on the campaign trail this year. One of the few times she has appeared at a political event, she’s received a six-figure paycheck – a highly unusual move for the spouse of a candidate,” CNN reports. “The former first lady spoke at two political fundraisers for the Log Cabin Republicans this year, and she was paid $237,500 for an April event, according to former President Donald Trump’s latest financial disclosure form. The payment was listed as a ‘speaking engagement.’”

Trump Cult Pastor Inadvertently Claims Melania’s Slotted Eyes Means She’s Possessed by Demonic ‘Serpent Spirt’

Melania Trump’s allegedly demon-possessed serpent-like eyes

A Trump-worshipping self-described “prophet” declared to his YouTube congregants in late June that that people with “slotted eyes” are possessed by Satan in his guise as the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve.

“[If] you’ll look at the eyes, you’ll notice they’re serpent’s pupils, their slotted pupils… that slotted serpent’s eye,” Robin Bullock said in his “The Eleventh Hour” cult service on June 23, 2013. “It’s because we’re back at that place where Satan is trying to offer the world that their eyes may be open, but it’s not King James anymore—it’s woke.”


Melania’s Blood Red Xmas Trees Earning Hilarious Tweets

If you thought last year’s White House Xmas decorations were bizarre, take a look at the 2018 version. This photo was posted on Twitter by CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller.

The trees are as red as the MAGA hat atop Trump’s farthest right supporters, as red as any communist in Putin’s Red Square, as red as the blood on Trump’s hands for selling more arms to the Saudis to use on the masses they are starving in Yemen.

But the comments on the trees are helping us look on the lighter side, starting with this PhotoShop effort from @chatelainedc:


Pics of Melania Bring $100k to Trumps


“Since her husband took office Melania Trump has earned six figures from an unusual deal with a photo agency in which major media organizations have indirectly paid the Trump family despite a requirement that the photos be used only in positive coverage,” NBC News reports. “President Donald Trump’s most recent financial disclosure reveals that in 2017 the first lady earned at least $100,000 from Getty Images for the use of any of a series of 187 photos of the first family shot between 2010 and 2016 by Belgian photographer Regine Mahaux … More problematic for the many news organizations that have published or broadcast the images, however, is that Getty’s licensing agreement stipulates the pictures can be used in ‘positive stories only.’”