Lyin’ Ryan: In Debate, He Claimed Three Times That the Obama Administration Called Syria’s Assad a ‘Reformer’ – It Was a Triple Lie

Lyin' Ryan and Romney campaign spokesliar, Andrea Saul
Lyin' Ryan and Romney campaign spokesliar, Andrea Saul

In three separate instances during the vice presidential candidates’ debate last night, Paul Ryan falsely accused the Obama administration of referring to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad as a “reformer”:


Paul Ryan Refuses to Say How Romney Will Fix the Economy But Bristles At the Idea It Is a Nixonian ‘Secret Plan’

Yesterday, while David Gregory was lobbing softballs at Mitt Romney on “Meet the Press” on NBC, over on the ABC News Sunday show, George Stephanopoulos gave Congressman Paul Ryan a tougher time, especially when — at about 02:50 on the video above, which is transcribed below — Ryan refused to name a single loophole he and Romney would close in order to help pay for the massive tax cut they are promising to give the 1 Percent.

Watch how Ryan bristles when Stephanopoulos characterizes the Republican campaign’s refusal to lay out what it will do to restore economic growth as a “secret plan.”
