Tag: Karl Rove
Rove Calls Trump a ‘Sore Loser’
“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gaining the nomination, but I think in the long run he’s not helping himself or the country. … America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers, and he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser, and probably will look like it after January 6th.”
— Karl Rove told Fox News Sunday that President Trump is starting to look like a “sore loser.”
Rove: Trump Seems to be Losing
No one on Team Trump — especially not the principal — appears to have a plan for what messages to emphasize and when. No one seems charged with watching what Mrs. Clinton says so the candidate can quickly volley back. No one restrains Mr. Trump before he activates his Twitter account. Ad hoc may be freewheeling and fun, but it often leads to defeat.
— Karl Rove
Trump Calls Rove a ‘Total Moron’
He is a total moron. He is the worst.
— Donald Trump, saying that Republicans “are never going to win another presidential election listening to Karl Rove,” Bloomberg reports.
Rove on Why Trump Can’t Win
If you call all the people you’re running against losers, clowns, and dopes, that’s not the language of someone who unifies the party.
— Karl Rove, quoted by New York Magazine, on why Donald Trump can’t win the general election.
Dr. Democrat: Don’t Be Fooled by Phony Hillary Email Scandal
Dear Dr. Democrat:
In light of this CNN story, which Republican or tea partier do you think will be our next president? Because it damn sure won’t be a Democrat.
Discouraged in Destin
Dear Discouraged:
Don’t be!
Honestly, truly, sincerely, this is nothing. Less than nothing.
Karl Rove wiped 22 million emails in the middle of the U.S. Attorney scandal and the Valerie Plame criminal investigation. Nothing happened to him — in fact, it was barely even a scandal at the time. This is all smoke and mirrors by the GOP. I’ll admit it’s working, but there’s absolutely no “there” there.
Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns
Now that they’ve taken control of Congress, Republicans are wielding power much the same way they did in the Clinton era and for the six years afterward when they controlled the White House and Congress under George W. Bush: ineptly — examples: 1, 2 etc.
Then as now, it’s clear that the only thing Republicans do very well is inflame the media with bogus scandals — which is a handy way to distract attention from their ineptitude. They are doing this with their usual aplomb, and considerable success, in the matter of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send emails.
Clinton has said she deleted about 50,000 emails that dealt with personal matters, citing her daughter’s wedding and her mother’s funeral as examples. All the correspondence pertaining to official business was turned over to and archived by State. The deletion of the emails, though perfectly legal, has excited House Republicans, including Speaker John Boehner, who has announced plans to deploy House committees to investigate what might aptly be called Servergate.
Karl Rove Is Hated by Both the Left and Tea Party
I’m a myth. I’d have to be a super being to have done everything that’s attributed to me.
— Political operative Karl Rove, on being hated by both liberals and Tea Party conservatives, Kevin D. Williamson writes in National Review.
Rove: GOP Majority Still In Doubt
The president’s job approval numbers are lousy, no Democrat in a competitive Senate race polls regularly above 50%, GOP enthusiasm is high, and independents are trending Republican. The midterm environment is terrible for Democrats — yet each passing day provides evidence as to why a GOP Senate majority is still in doubt.
— Karl Rove, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
Seeking Political Cover
Some say her political instincts are superior,
But she shouldn’t have called Obama’s foreign policy inferior.
She said she was sorry,
And even hugged him at a party,
But Karl Rove says Hillary was just “covering her political posterior.”