Captured on Video: Why Rich Tea Partiers Make Such Bad Elected Officials

FOX 13 News

If this video — from a FOX affiliate! — doesn’t explain why Florida Democrats and independents are willing to embrace the previous flip-floppin’ governor (Charlie Crist) to get rid of the current one, nothing will.

Warning: Rick Scott’s countenance will haunt your sleep.

Jesus, Crist!

Response to an Orlando Sentinel poll asking whether Floridians would vote for Rick Scott or Charlie Crist for governor if the election were held today. Among those listed for whom people would also vote instead of Scott were all the Looney Tunes and Disney characters, the Cookie Monster, Casey Anthony, former Pres. Bill “Big Dog” Clinton, former Gov. Lawton Chiles (deceased), “anyone,” a stick, a rock, a ham sandwich, and a broken egg.