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Number of delegates (or more) Sam Wang predicts Donald Trump will accrue in the remaining GOP primary votes (1,237 are required to win the nomination outright), using two independent methods for estimating the results of the remaining Republican primaries without relying on either demographics or polls. The first is a border-county analysis and the second relies on Google Correlate.
Of Republican voters believe that, if no GOP presidential candidate wins a majority of delegates before the convention, the one with the most votes should be the party’s nominee, according to a new NBC/WSJ poll. That’s compared with 33% of Republicans who say the nominee instead should be the candidate whom convention delegates think would be the party’s best standard-bearer.
The number of delegates Marco Rubio won before dropping out of the race. Of those, the 17 he took home in Minnesota, the 12 in Oklahoma and the two he picked up in New Hampshire are now free agents, reports National Review. “In Minnesota and Oklahoma, Rubio’s delegates are obligated only to cast a ballot for him if he is formally nominated, while in New Hampshire they’re entirely unbound.”