Trump Stooge Lindsey Graham Trying to Manipulate Nebraska’s Electoral Vote

“To my friends in Nebraska, that one electoral vote could be the difference between Harris being president and not, and she’s a disaster for Nebraska and the world.”

— Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by Politico, on his trip to Nebraska to push for the state’s Republican leadership to change how it awards its electoral votes.

A Third of Americans Fear Immigrants Influencing U.S. Elections

1 in 3

A new AP-NORC poll finds about 1 in 3 U.S. adults believes an effort is underway to replace native-born Americans with immigrants for electoral gains.
“About 3 in 10 also worry that more immigration is causing native-born Americans to lose their economic, political and cultural influence… Republicans are more likely than Democrats to fear a loss of influence because of immigration, 36% to 27%.

Russians Hacked Election Systems in 39 States


“Russia’s cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump’s election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed, including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported,” Bloomberg reports. “Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.”