Tag: Demographics
Demographics Might Not Be Destiny After All
The notion of demographics as destiny is overblown. Just like Karl Rove was wrong with that ‘permanent majority’ talk, Democrats have to remember that the pendulum is always swinging.
— Republican pollster and strategist Wes Anderson, quoted by the Associated Press.
GOP Congressman Claims Democratic Party Is Waging a War on White People – Ignores the Fact That a Majority of Democrats Are White
Republican Rep. Mo Brooks from Alabama has been on a tear recently. Last week, he told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that he advocated deporting all 11 million undocumented residents of the United States. (Hayes’ interview with Brooks begins at 04:55 in the video above.) According to estimates by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the cost to deport on person is about $12,500, which puts the cost to taxpayers of the mass deportation scheme advocated by big-government Republicans like Rep. Brooks at $137.5 billion.
A few days later, in an interview on right-wing radio, Rep. Brooks claimed the Democratic Party is waging a war on white people:
The Demographics, They Are A-Changing
From Angela Glover Blackwell at EquityBlog.