Tag: Democratic Circular Firing Squad
Welcome to the Age of ‘Negative Partisanship’
“We are living in an era of what political scientists describe as ‘strong partisanship and weak parties’ — or, alternatively, as ‘negative partisanship.’ The electorate is polarized into opposing camps, but their emotional impetus is driven by hostility to the other party rather than trust in their own. … The Republican Party’s solution to this predicament has been to fashion itself as a cult of personality devoted to Donald Trump. The Democratic Party’s solution has been a series of technocratic fixes intended to increase its own legitimacy. But the Iowa caucus is the latest indication that the effort is collapsing.”
— Jonathan Chait
The Iowa Caucases Are Dead
“This fiasco means the end of the caucuses as a significant American political event. The rest of the country was already losing patience with Iowa anyway and this cooks Iowa’s goose. Frankly, it should, The real winner tonight was Donald Trump, who got to watch his opponents wallow in a mess. A lot of good Democratic candidates and people who fought their hearts out here for … nothing.”
— David Yepsen quoted by Politico
DNC Is Pissing Off the Youth
The Atlantic: “The youths in the Democratic Party are angry. Sixty-eight chapters of the College Democrats are urging voters not to donate to the party’s congressional-campaign arm after it instituted a new policy to protect incumbents from primary challenges.”
Two Types of Democrats
“There are two types of Democrats. There are killers, and there are whiners. Unfortunately, we have too many of the latter and not enough of the former.”
— David Krone, Harry Reid’s former chief of staff, quoted by the New York Times.
Maybe There Is a Democratic Backlash Against Dems Who Voted Against Gun Control
So I’ll have some advice for my friends in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles: Just say no to the Democrats who said no on background checks.
— Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley (D), writing in the Washington Post, about how Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) “betrayed me on gun control.”
President Obama’s Nine Worst Surrogates
Courtesy of Buzzfeed: With allies like these, who needs Republicans?
Harold Ford? Really?!?!