A Conway Getaway
The backlash to her Ivanka ad must have astonished her,
And now the Ethics Office says Trump should admonish her.
This Kellyanne Conway antic
Goes far beyond ethics,
But don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to punish her.
The backlash to her Ivanka ad must have astonished her,
And now the Ethics Office says Trump should admonish her.
This Kellyanne Conway antic
Goes far beyond ethics,
But don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to punish her.
Ask his handlers — Donald Trump’s unteachable.
Try to get him on-message — he’s unreachable.
But some college professors
Looked at his high crimes and misdemeanors,
And found that a President Trump would be eminently impeachable.
It’s bad enough that a gun store owner declared his store a “Muslim-free zone” after the shooting and killing of four Marines and a Navy sailor by 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdelazeez. That he chose to deliver this message in front of a rebel flag tacked up over an American flag, while wearing a sidearm, made this move just that much worse.
There are so many questions raised by Andy Hallinan’s video. For starters:
What if we’re missing a bigger issue in our musings about Ferguson and race and unarmed black men being shot by white guys, often police officers? Yes, systemic racism and a breakdown in our ability to trust police are serious problems. But are we overlooking something more basic?
It’s a rare day without a story like this one:
A white cop observes a black man cut through a parking lot to avoid a red light. He follows the car and when it starts to pull into an apartment complex, he turns on his cruiser’s lights to pull it over. The black man, 29-year-old Brian Dennison, drives further into the complex and parks in a parking space. When he gets out of the car, the cop shoots at him. Luckily, the shot missed. It was lucky because Dennison had his 6-year-old daughter in the car. And she was having an asthma attack. And her inhaler was inside their home, where Dennison was rushing when he drove around the red light.
So why did Officer J.C. Garcia get it so wrong?
Watch the funniest — and most sensible — arguments for gun control yet.
It will be interesting to see what kind of refutations appear in the comments.
This video is moving and beautiful, and we wish it had never been made because we wish what preceded it had never happened.