Tag: Congressional Republicans
Pelosi’s Take on the Republican Exodus from Congress
“It means that they know they’re gonna lose. And if you win, you’re going to serve in the minority under a Democratic president. You may want to spend more time with your family.”
— Speaker Nancy Pelosi, quoted by Politico, on the high number of Republican retirements from Congress.
One Third of Republicans Not Happy with GOP Leadership
Of Republicans have a favorable view of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. Also troubling for the GOP leaders is the fact that 45% of Republican respondents said GOP leadership in Congress is not conservative enough.
Boehner: Running House Majority Like Herding Frogs
I like to describe my job as trying to get 218 frogs in a wheelbarrow long enough to pass a bill. It’s hard to do.
— House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), quoted by the Los Angeles Times.
Again and Again
The 113th Congress is back in session again.
The Republican-led House is doing it yet again.
They’re starting off
Right where they left off,
They’re voting to defund Obamacare — again.
House Still Considering Impeachment of Obama
We’ve also talked about the I-word, impeachment, which I don’t think would get past the Senate in the current climate … Is there anything else we can do?
— Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), quoted by the Washington Post, noting there are enough votes in the House to impeach President Obama.
Republicans Gain 10 points in Generic Congressional Ballot
49% to 47%
A new CNN/ORC International survey finds Republicans with a two-point edge in the generic congressional ballot — a big reversal from just last month when Democrats led by eight points.
Cumulative Polling on Congresional Approval Ratings Reveals GOP Vulnerability
I put together this image charting the results from a new national Quinnipiac poll, which shows Democrats taking a nine-point lead over Republicans on the generic congressional ballot — an advantage that’s steadily grown in recent months.
There is simply no good news for the GOP in the Quinnipiac results. Significant majorities oppose Republicans using a shutdown to go after the Affordable Care Act, trust President Obama over the GOP on most national issues, and blame Republicans for gridlock. In all, 74% of Americans disapprove of congressional Republican lawmakers — their lowest score ever in a Quinnipiac poll.