Tag: Congress approval rating
Congress’ Approval Rating at 15 Percent
Gallup: “Congressional approval is now 15%, down slightly from an uptick to 20% last month after Congress passed tax reform in December. Positivity quickly faded this month as the government shut down twice in three weeks because of impasses over the federal budget.”
Congress’ Approval Rating Hits New Low
A new Gallup poll finds Americans’ approval of Congress fell to 13%.“Americans of all political stripes hold Congress in similarly low regard. Just 18% of Republicans, 14% of Democrats and 10% of independents approve of the job the legislative body is doing. This month, these figures are unchanged among Republicans, while down slightly among Democrats and independents.”
Most Americans See Congress as a Failure
A new CNN poll finds 68% of Americans judge the Republican Congress a failure so far after last month’s Obamacare repeal and replace plan died in the Senate. Approval of the current Republican leaders in Congress has dropped from 39% in January to just 24% now.
Congress Ranks Lowest for Honesty and Ethics Among Nation’s Professions
The U.S. Congress’ ranking out of a broad range of 22 professions, when it comes to bedrock values of honesty and ethics, says a Gallup poll released Monday. Only 8 percent of the respondents gave members of Congress a positive rating for honesty and ethical standards. Senators did a little better, managing to garner 12 percent, while state governors reached 18 percent. Amazingly, oft-vilified journalists got 23 percent — still earning the approval of less than a quarter of the respondents. Nurses topped the list with 84 percent, with pharmacists in a somewhat distant second place with 67 percent and doctors at 65 percent.
Most Americans Express Disappointment in Republican Congress
Of Americans say congressional Republicans are not keeping the promises they made during the campaign, while just 23% say they are, according to a new national survey by Pew Research Center. Nearly four in 10 (37%) say the new Congress has accomplished less than they expected, while 4% say it has accomplished more than expected. About half (53%) say its accomplishments are in line with what they expected.
More Approve of Democrats Than Republicans
Approval rate of congressional Democrats, versus 27 percent for Republicans, reports the Washington Post: “In October, 30 percent said they approved of congressional Democrats compared with 25 percent who approved of congressional Republicans.” Public approval of Congress remains low, with 22 percent of Americans saying they approve of the way Congress is doing its job — a 7 point increase since last September — with the shift driven by a rise in support among independents and Republicans.
Congress’ Approval Rating Remains in the Dumps
Of Americans approve of the way Congress is handling its job. Congressional ratings show little sign of substantial recovery from last year’s record low as November’s midterm elections draw closer, according to Gallup.
Laying Blame for Our Do-Nothing Congress
There are three groups to blame for the gross dereliction of duty we have seen from this do-nothing Congress. The first, paradoxically, is the Federal Reserve. Its monetary policies have allowed some small measure of recovery, giving cover to Congress’s failure to manage our fiscal policies …. The second group is the Supreme Court. Its campaign of replacing our Jeffersonian democracy with a corporatocracy — sponsored by and sold to the highest bidder — continues unabated … But the group most to blame for the sad state of Congress is you, the American voter. Or, more accurately, the American non-voter.
— Barry Ritholtz, in a Bloomberg op-ed piece.