CNN: Suspect Arrested in Boston Bombing – UPDATED

CNN is reporting that a man has been arrested in Monday’s bomb attacks on Boston Marathon. The man was seen in surveillance videos placing one of the bombs that went off near the finish line of the race.

According to CNN, the suspect was described as dark skinned.

UPDATE: NBC is reporting that this is not so, that a suspect has been identified but that he has not been arrested.

UPDATE 2: AP confirms that a suspect has been taken to federal courthouse. CNN says it has separate Boston local law enforcement and federal law enforcement sources confirming that a suspect is in custody.

UPDATE 3: Now CNN is backtracking, saying that no one has been arrested.

UPDATE 4: Lesson learned. Stick with MSNBC.

The Rightwing’s Obsession with Obama and Terror

Did we forget what the story is here?

Somewhere aliens are watching us from outer space and scratching their headlike appendages. Because before all the blood had even dried on the sidewalks, the rightwing dropped the subject of what happened at the 2013 Boston Marathon and got back to the subject they seem to care most about: hating Pres. Obama.

This tweet hints at the problem.

Fort Hood? Wait. What? Wasn’t Fort Hood a case of a wacko with a gun shooting up his fellow service members, like James Holmes shooting up fellow Batman fans, and Adam Lanza shooting up his fellow Newtown youth? What distinguishes Fort Hood from the other mass shootings that have become part of the landscape? Could it be that the gunman in Fort Hood was a Muslim? Now we’re getting somewhere, because any time you have a Muslim person involved, it’s de facto terrorism. Right?

But why are we slamming Obama for not labeling all three of those events as terrorism, straight out of the gate? Here, this tweet should clear it right up.


Boston Marathon Explosions: News is Still Unfolding

Update: This picture of a couple being reunited after the woman apparently completed the Boston Marathon is making the rounds on Twitter. Not sure who to credit for it.

Like you, we are glued to Twitter and to news outlets for more information about the two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon that took place at about 2:50 p.m. today. Our thoughts are with the injured and the loved ones of the reported two dead.