Being a Senator Is Now a Part-Time Job

110 days

“The U.S. Senate is on track to work the fewest number of days since 1956, a fact that Democrats seized on Wednesday to attack the chamber’s Republican leadership,” McClatchy reports. “Senators returned last week to Washington after a seven-week break. Another recess could come as early as the end of this week or next, freeing embattled senators to return to the campaign trail in their states.”

Majority of Americans Angry Over the Way Things are Going in U.S.


Of Americans are “at least somewhat angry with the way things are going” in the U.S., according to a CNN/ORC poll. Majorities of voters among both Democrats and Republicans express dissatisfaction and anger; 90% of Republicans are dissatisfied with the way the U.S. is being governed, 82% express anger with the way things are going in the U.S.
Among Donald Trump backers, 97% are dissatisfied with government, 91% are at least somewhat angry.