Increased Corporate Taxes Decreases Unemployment


Increase in the corporate tax rate is associated with a drop of 2.1 percentage points in the unemployment rate, according to a study by Horst Feldmann of the University of Bath in the UK of data on 19 industrial countries. Although raising corporate taxes has been shown to reduce economic growth, it unexpectedly prompts companies to substitute labor for capital and spurs unions to reduce their wage demands to avoid job losses.

Feminism is So Last Century


The amount Millennial women are paid in their first year out of college, compared to each full dollar for their male peers, according to the American Association of University Women. Millennials are more likely than Baby Boomers or Gen-Xers to say there is no need for women to be feminists, with 22-year-old Taylor Swift recently explaining, “I don’t really think about things as guys versus girls.”

Most Independents Elected Since 1942


Minor party and independent candidates were elected to state legislatures this month, Ballot Access News reports.”Checking records of past elections reveals that this is the highest such number since 1942, when there were 31 such candidates elected. In 1944, there were 22 such candidates elected, and at no time since 1944 (until 2012) had there been any election with more than 17.”

Think of the Savings If These States Secede


Amount of total federal revenue alloted to the states in 2010 that was taken by six of the seven states with the most signatures on petitions to secede following Pres. Obama’s re-election. The states are Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. Alabama also gathered among the most signatures but did not receive as much funding.