Still reeling from his failure to win the presidency and save the international plutocracy — despite having gone in front of the American electorte and told a whopping 917 documented lies in a desperate bid for election — Mitt Romney has been hanging out at his home in La Jolla, Calif. — the one with the car elevator, if you’re keeping track — and showing up in public looking decidedly disheveled, almost even human.
Photo on the left, via The Village Voice:
Uploaded by a passerby native/user named mkb95, the shot of Romney shows a man much different than the one we recognize from the campaign. Hair tasseled, shirt slightly unbuttoned, self-government (pumping gas on his own); this is a truly New Mitt.
And mkb95 added the caption: “Mitt Romney at my local gas station… he looks tired and washed up.”
“I talked to him for a good three minutes while he was filling his tank,” the Redditor continued. “I guess he’s moving to one of his houses in the town I live in, La Jolla,”
Now, pumping gas is a true symbol of middle-class mediocrity, as we all know. So does this mean that Romney has dropped down to the 47 Percent level?
Net value remains above $20 million. So, no, he hasn’t… maybe the guy just needed some gas for his SUV. Who knows really.
Photo on the right, via Huffington Post:
Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and his wife Ann shared a tender moment on Facebook on Friday, posting a picture of the two of them smiling in a kitchen around the Thanksgiving holiday.
The post included the caption, “Hope everyone had a great Thanskgiving! Much to be thankful for this year.”
A body language expert would note that Ann is always pulling or leaning away from Mitt.