The Insanity of the Sanctity of Lifers

This should never happen to another woman. Religion and medicine should never mix.

— A doctor in Ireland calling for an investigation into the death of a pregnant woman who was denied an abortion even though her life was at risk. Her husband said they were told, “This is a Catholic country,” and that doctors let his wife die in agony in the hospital as they watched for three days because they thought they could detect a fetal heartbeat.


4 thoughts on “The Insanity of the Sanctity of Lifers”

  1. Spiritual Entertainment taken to be real. For a group that has shrines like Lourdes where millions have come and sixty six have been cured, and is creating new healing relics, one has to ask why they even have hospitals if they believe? This is as bad as stopping condoms to Africa during the aids epidemic, and priest can’t keep their pants on either, then having a big fundraiser to tell eveyone how much you care about the dying you help to kill.

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