Tea Party Patriots, Stand Up, Don’t Be Counted! Boycott the 2010 U.S. Census

Dear Dr. Democrat:

Is it true that Tea Partiers are boycotting the 2010 Census, and if so, why should I join them?

– A. Hugh Patriot

Dear Hugh:

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, one of the heroes of the Tea Party movement, called for a boycott of the Census last year. Now, as Obama prepares to send out 2010 Census forms, many true Tea Party patriots are considering protesting via non-participation.

Here are five reasons Tea Party activists might object to the Census, written in the style of the paranoid emails that our friends on the right send each other. Please feel free to email this list to every Tea Party patriot you know:

1. Obama and the entire Democrat Party support the Census, which is sufficient cause for suspicion among Tea Party activists on all other issues.

2. Many libertarians believe the Census should not be under government control, not just because it is bona fide socialism, but also because, unlike private industry, government is inept. Who knows what mistakes the government has made in censuses over the past two centuries? Libertarians believe the Census should be outsourced to a private company with experience collecting data, like Equifax, Experian or other credit reporting companies, which hardly ever make mistakes.

3. According to World Net Daily, the popular conservative news site, Obama seized control of the Census from the Commerce Department within weeks after he assumed the presidency. The fact that the 2010 Census will be taken under the direction of the Obama White House worries Rep. Bachmann, who has raised concerns that Americans’ personal data could end up in the hands of ACORN. What ACORN might do with it is anyone’s guess.

4. Bachmann also pointed out that the government has used Census information in the past to round up Americans and force them into concentration camps. She cited the example of the internment of thousands of patriotic Americans of Japanese descent by FDR’s Democrat socialist government during World War II.

5. The Obama administration has already put patriots on notice that it will fine anyone who refuses to submit to the Census. However, boycott supporters say that if the government can’t round up 20 million illegal aliens, how could it possibly find millions of real Americans who boycott the Census because they choose to exercise their rights to be free of government intrusion?

For these reasons, true Patriots believe it is crucial that their fellow activists boycott the 2010 Census — so that their voices will not be heard by the career politicians in Washington.

I can’t say I agree with them, but it is fine with me — and better for the country — if the tea party folks leave governing the United States to the smart people.


13 thoughts on “Tea Party Patriots, Stand Up, Don’t Be Counted! Boycott the 2010 U.S. Census”

  1. FEMA is going to use the census to identify Christians and put them in death camps!!!!!!!!

    Don’t fill out your census, patriots!!!!

  2. Well, one thing is clear. Bachmann stopped shooting off her mouth about the census after it was revealed that Minnesota stands to lose one seat in Congress, and that it might be HERS.

  3. Please don’t fill it out.. this way money will go to places that deserve it and not to all the red states that are truly a drag on the governments tax revenue. Most red states pay in less tax than they take in. This way if they don’t fill out the census they will lose representation and money. They can wallow in failing public systems and pay the private sector to rip them off for things they have come to depend on from the “evil” government. I know I would rather pay a private sector CEO’s bonus to use the roads and for schools. They have shown how great they are at supporting our economy and workers. If you haven’t noticed the economy was crashed by these a****les and they ship our jobs out as fast as they can. If you want your standard of living to continue to sink lets privatize everything and allow these multinational companies that owe no allegiance to any country but only profits to take over everything. I am amazed at the ignorance of the tea baggers and it is only shown by their belief in Bachmann. She has shown time and time again that she is a complete moron and is a corporate tool. Wake up, we need to get rid of these multinationals, we need to take power away from these corporations (like finding a way to legislate around the last supreme court decision making corporations persons and the ability to spend as much as they want in the political process; this was done by right wing justices btw, the corporate whores).. the tea baggers are being used by the super rich to push their agenda and the tea baggers aren’t smart enough to realize it.. very sad!!


  5. To Johnny Critter,

    You need to realize that non participation could hurt your community. As your state will be under represented. So Alan Grayson’s job could be in jeopardy by hook or crook.

  6. An idiot wrote:
    “FEMA is going to use the census to identify Christians and put them in death camps!!!!!!!!
    Don’t fill out your census, patriots!!!!
    A. Christian | Jan. 22, 2010 – 12:41 pm”

    There is nothing on the census form that asks for religious affiliation.
    If you don’t want your community to get funds for seniors etc, don’t fill out the census.

  7. I’m a Conservative, I’m a tea bag supporter, and I’m also a US Census worker. I’m surprised that some people are refusing participate in the census. I understand some people’s concerns about answering ‘personal’ information. However, the Census COUNT DOES determine the number of representatives that we have in the house. Telling people to not participate is illogical. I WANT to be counted. I want my fair number representatives in office and voicing my conservative views. IF you want your voice heard then don’t sit down and shut up! That’s exactly what the democrats want you to do – shut up and give them all your hard earned money.

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