Email Your Senator. This Means You.

It’s not that hard to write your senators and urge them to pass Obama’s economic stimulus plan. There are only two senators per state, after all. I just sent this message to Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.). I sent the same message to both, ignoring the fact that Martinez wrote the tax cut alternative plan.

Tax cuts are all well and good for people who have jobs and therefore, taxes to pay. For people without jobs, they’re a lot like on-site child care for non-parents — a great workplace benefit, for someone else.

Please support and help gain passage of Obama’s economic stimulus plan, and do it fast. We need jobs, not tax cuts, and we need new, green-energy and good-paying infrastructure jobs the most. Thanks!

Takes two seconds. Google your person and the word, “contact.” It will take you right there.

This is urgent, folks. FOX Snooze and talk radio are beating the drum, and there’s a rightwing flood of calls and emails pouring in. We need to rouse ourselves and let them hear from us.


5 thoughts on “Email Your Senator. This Means You.”

  1. Please support and help gain passage of Obama’s economic stimulus plan, and do it fast. We need jobs, not tax cuts, and we need new, green-energy and good-paying infrastructure jobs the most. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for pointing out the urgency here. Evil (i.e. GOP) never sleeps and we know they are the true masters of the “liberal media”.

  3. Hey John, thanks for asking. It’s working well for me. I just got my first paycheck with less payroll tax deducted, and it made it possible to pay my mortgage without having to dip into my savings to cover the check. Love it!

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