BLUE ALERT: Freepi Declare War on Cindy Sheehan, Will Descend on Camp Casey at Noon Today

“I therefore challenge anyone who seeks to criticize Cindy Sheehan to offer-up their son or daughter, their husband or wife or indeed, themselves, in sacrifice for the lie that is Iraq. Until you have, you have nothing to say and you just don’t get it.”
— Jennifer Monroe

The “Heart of Texas” chapter of the anti-democracy Internet group Free Republic has issued a call to its members to gather near Crawford, Texas, for a counter-demonstration today, Saturday, August 13, at noon, at the encampment of “Peace Mom” Cindy Sheehan near President Bush’s second home in Texas.

Sheehan’s ad hoc settlement is called “Camp Casey,” named after Sheehan’s son who was killed while serving in Iraq in 2004.

According to reports on C-SPAN and the Web, Freepers are in a state of high agitation that anyone would question their Dear Leader and label his misleading statements about the war in Iraq as “lies.” Late this week, they moved beyond posting personal smears against Sheehan to announcing an assault on Camp Casey.

Reporter Jennifer Monroe, who has visited the Free Republic website wrote:

Reading the most recent postings to the Free Republic website, one is left wondering how on earth anyone could support the war in Iraq. Most of their rantings consist of personal attacks on Sheehan, questioning her patriotism and loyalty to America.

No one addresses the real issue—the lies that the Bush administration used to justify their illegal war, which has resulted in the senseless death of more than 1,840 U.S. soldiers and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis: ignore the truth, promote the lies.

The theme of these FReepers runs along the lines of “if only Sheehan would simply accept the pointless death of her son…our government could get on with business.” The fact remains that America is less safe now because of its foreign policy.

Register with Free Republic and attempt to broach that issue; to present the facts and invite a dialogue and your account is immediately deleted. The operators of Free Republic make no excuse for their policies: they don’t want to hear the other side, the truth, they exist only to espouse their version of reality. Beware.

I therefore challenge anyone who seeks to criticize Cindy Sheehan to offer-up their son or daughter, their husband or wife or indeed, themselves, in sacrifice for the lie that is Iraq. Until you have, you have nothing to say and you just don’t get it.

As an example of his lack of concern over America’s military war dead, Bush drove past Camp Casey to headline a Republican National Committee fundraiser that brought in about $5 million.


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